Our no-cure no-pay model sets us apart from our competition, making us a unique and attractive option for businesses. This model means that, next to a small retainer, we only charge our full fee if we are able to deliver the results we promise. This is a strong indication of our confidence in our methodology and our ability to deliver success for our clients.
Additionally, by only charging a final fee of 20% if we do not deliver the promised results, we are aligning our interests with those of our clients. This means that we are fully invested in the success of our clients and are motivated to deliver the best possible results.
Our no-cure no-pay model also allows businesses to take less risk when working with us, as they are only paying for results. This offers added value to our clients, as they can trust that we will work hard to deliver the promised results.
And yes, because of these factors, we are able to charge more than our competition. We are providing a unique service with a high level of value and are able to back it up with results. This sets us apart and makes us a desirable choice for businesses looking to achieve success.