We build bullet proof ventures

Growing a business is hard. With crazy marketing and sales we make it a whole lot easier, more predictable, less stressful, and more fun.
No one will ever shoot holes in your business again!

Your Are

You are a seasoned entrepreneur and have a team in place, but feel somehow stuck. You put in all the hours but did not achieve the success you clearly deserve. You are open to change and ready to become BulletProof.


Bulletproofventures is a partnership of entrepreneurs helping seasoned entrepreneurs. We support businesses by providing success in branding, marketing, sales, technology and a high performance mindset. Are you ready to scale exponentially?


Every seasoned entrepreneur should have success. Most of the time however it just does not work out as planned and you need outside help. Accelerators or banks only find young startups or “the already successful business” interesting. You are left out. That’s why we support you.


by providing expertise in branding, marketing, sales, technology and a high performance mindset

Skip the guesswork, trial-and-error and never -ending and exhausting boring work of trying to fiure everything out yourself – for the very first time. And instead, grow your business with proven client-getting marketing & sales, frameworks and scientific customer acquisition (not hopes and dreams).

Sales and cash flow

The lifeline of every company. You have some, but are in need of more.

Branding and marketing

No business can thrive without these set in stone. We help you get there.

People and process

Easy to overlook, but both can either make or brake.

High performance mindset

Is it really lonely at the top? No, not with this mindset.

Dare to take risks

Build to last, outperforming your competition, means trying and walking new paths.

Why the bullet proof methodology matters?

As an entrepreneur many years in you have a clouded mind and distorted vision.
Not because you don’t know, but because you’re exhausted.

With The bulletproof methodology we fire bullets at different areas of your company and get to the core fast.

No one will ever shoot holes in your business again!

For our clients
160 E-learning videos

So you and your whole team can online learn everything there is to know what it takes to become bulletproof with the Bulletproofmethodology

how to get
as many clients, customers and sales

as you can possibly handle


Principal - Develop new skills

In order to become successful you need to develop the necessary skills. In this time and age and more then ever you have to acquire many different skills. Not per se to the deepest level, but you should have a general understanding of all the new and many aspects of doing business. The BulletProof Method teaches you this.

Principle 2

Principal - Use the right methods

In getting from A to Z you have to be able to know when to use what method. The problem is that there are so many methods to learn. So key is what method to use in which situation? The BulletProof Method teaches you this.

Principle 3

Principal - Automate. Always

To achieve maximum results you have to create leverage. Automating as much as possible with easy to use tools will become the default setting in your live. The BulletProof Method teaches you this. We share our secrets.

Markets of interest


We have a very broad market definition in the sense that we believe that in this time and age Tech is where you create leverage. As long as you understand this and know how to implement this. You're on the winning side.


When combined with Tech and Media & Entertainment you have a killer combination. Nowadays (human) health should be disruptive and help as many people as possible. Can you?

Media & Entertainment

We have a somewhat unorthodox definition of the media market: Every company where emotion is the key driver of your business. So you decide.,Is your product or service worth evoking emotions?

Travel & Leisure

This might a seem as a strange area of market interest. But really is it? Most of the travel and Leisure markets are in the process of being disrupted and need to make change happen fast. You've got our attention.
Client Show Cases

Or you want a full story

Bronze story

100 jaar story

Become part of the bullet proof investor club

“While others search for what they can take.
A true king searches for what he can give”
-Lion King 2019-

Join us and help entrepreneurs who are left out.

Why are we
Bullet Proof?

By sheer necessity and by learning it the hard way we had to become BulletProof ourselves. Fortunately we had the luck to be able to overcome our setbacks. These insights now serve us well and is the foundation on which this company is build.

We Are Bullet Proof at 

Read our blog

Our firms setup

To stay BulletProof we have a very straightforward and flat team model in place. So every founder has both an individual team responsibility, with a team of maximum 10 people

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Our firms pledge

We like transparent communication. So here it is. What is our firms pledge to our customers. Our firms pledge Our mission We feel the need to help as many seasoned

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Who we are

Here a short introduction about who we are. We suggest you read more of our Blog pages, to get a better understanding of our founder and principles.  Who we are

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